Weight Loss Kit /Metabolic Enhancer Kit

Weight Loss Kit /Metabolic Enhancer Kit
Following a sedentary lifestyle definitely takes a toll on metabolism. Here we present Duh metabolic enhancer kit which is made absolutely with natural ingredients.
There’s no added preservatives or additives and it’s made with only superfood ingredients!
The metabolic kit consists of :
1) Duh Trim
2) Duh Kokum tea
3) Duh Natura premium green tea
– Naturally boosts metabolism which improves the fat burning process in the body
– Aids in healthy weight management
– Improves immunity
– Regulates sugar and blood pressure levels
– Works great for those suffering from hormonal imbalances like pcod,thyroid etc
– Suitable for all age groups
– Sample food guidelines provided
– Absolutely no side effects
Ingredients :
Duh Trim : extracts of moringa,Neem,fenugreek,wheatgrass,ashvagandha,brahmi,cinnamon,curcumin,cumin,murraya koenigii,cilantro, kalonji,triphala.
Duh Kokum ingredients : 100 % Kokum fruit powder
Duh Natura ingredients : 100 % full leaf green tea
Step 1 : early morning duh trim and natura with hot water 20minutes before breakfast
Step 2: duh Kokum tea 30min before lunch to be prepared just like tea.
Step 3: duh trim with hot water at bed time (2 hours after dinner)
Net weight : 330 grams
Shelf life : 12 months from date of manufacture. Recommended to store in cool place/refrigerate once opened.